Bila anda sering berbagi printer antara Linux dan Windows tetapi belum pernah membagi printer antar Linux dengan cups, cara ini bisa anda ikuti tahap demi tahap. Waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk proses ini sekitar 10 menit, bila lebih sediakan kopi biar ngga suntuk.

Printer Server

Disini saya menggunakan Debian 8 di Orange Pi. Printer yang digunakan HP Deskjet 1050

Install CUPS

apt install cups

Install driver HP Deksjet 1050

apt install printer-driver-hpcups hplip cups-pdf smbclient xpp -y

Agar printer dikenali di CUPS dari client install avahi

apt install avahi-daemon

Dari sisi Client

Disini client menggunakan Fedora 27, caranya sama saja dengan Ubuntu, Linux Mint atau lainnya.

Install CUPS

dnf -y install cups

Install driver HP Deksjet 1050

dnf install hplip -y

Buka CUPS admin di http://localhost:631/admin klik Find New Printer
di List Available Printers printer sudah terdeteksi, klik Add this printer
List Available Printers
Namai printer anda
namai printer network
klik Continue

Pilih driver yang sesuai, di Model -> HP -> HP Deskjet 1050 j4010 Series, hpcups 3.17.11 (en).
pilih driver hp deskjet 1050
klik Add printer.

Pengaturan standar kertas
standart pengaturan kertas
klik Set Default Options

Untuk mencoba printer yang baru di konfigurasi dari web CUPS http://localhost:631/printers/ pilih printer yang tadi disetting (HP_Deskjet_1050_J410_series_dns02-LT4-OPI).
Di tampilan berikutnya klik Maintenance -> Print Test Page
test print dari cups


Bila muncul error “Filter failed”

D [13/Feb/2018:11:33:20 +0700] [Job 11] envp[30]=”AUTH_I****”
D [13/Feb/2018:11:33:20 +0700] [Job 11] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/hpcups (PID 8509)
D [13/Feb/2018:11:33:20 +0700] [Job 11] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/hp (PID 8510)
D [13/Feb/2018:11:33:20 +0700] [Job 11] prnt/hpcups/HPCupsFilter.cpp 530: cupsRasterOpen failed, fd = 7
D [13/Feb/2018:11:33:20 +0700] [Job 11] prnt/backend/hp.c 902: ERROR: null print job total=0
D [13/Feb/2018:11:33:20 +0700] [Job 11] PID 8509 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/hpcups) stopped with status 1.
D [13/Feb/2018:11:33:20 +0700] [Job 11] Hint: Try setting the LogLevel to “debug” to find out more.
D [13/Feb/2018:11:33:20 +0700] [Job 11] PID 8510 (/usr/lib/cups/backend/hp) exited with no errors.
D [13/Feb/2018:11:33:20 +0700] [Job 11] End of messages
D [13/Feb/2018:11:33:20 +0700] [Job 11] printer-state=3(idle)
D [13/Feb/2018:11:33:20 +0700] [Job 11] printer-state-message=”Filter failed”
D [13/Feb/2018:11:33:20 +0700] [Job 11] printer-state-reasons=none

Di printer server jalankan

lpstat -p
## output
printer HP_Deskjet_1050_J410_series is idle.  enabled since Tue 13 Feb 2018 11:33:20 AM WIB
	Filter failed
printer PDF is idle.  enabled since Tue 13 Feb 2018 10:36:33 AM WIB

ubah menjadi raw

lpadmin -p HP_Deskjet_1050_J410_series -m raw

coba nge-print ulang dari client.

Debugging cups
Sebagai root jalankan

cupsctl --debug-logging

lihat output debug cups dengan

tail -f /var/log/cups/error_log

setelah selesai nonaktifkan debug

cupsctl --no-debug-logging

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